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Congratulations on your decision to run for state office in Colorado

Each year the Colorado FFA Association selects ten student members to represent the association as a state FFA officer. Throughout the year, this group has a variety of responsibilities. They are elected official s expected to represent the student membership during Executive Committee meetings. They are teachers of leadership and teamwork to regional FFA officers and chapter members. They are motivational speakers who will inspire members and non – members to heights they did not think they could achieve. They are communicators and public relations specialists on behalf of the Colorado FFA Association building positive relationships across the state and across our nation.

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For information on what the typical State Officer year looks like, please see below:

Affiliation Partners & Links
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The Colorado FFA Foundation seeks resources – human, financial and in-kind – to support agricultural education in Colorado, including students (Colorado FFA Association, CSU Ag Education), adult agricultural education, agricultural education teachers (CVATA) and alumni (Colorado FFA Alumni).

Since 1870, the College of Agricultural Sciences has been an integral part of the Colorado State University experience. We are committed to our land-grant roots and are leading Colorado’s agricultural strategic growth through research, education and strong industry partnerships.


The Colorado Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association (CVATA) is a professional organization for agriculture science teachers and supporters of agriculture education. CVATA informs agriculture teachers about the latest agricultural education practices, encourages higher standards of teaching agriculture and provides agriculture education a unified voice in the state legislature.

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